Social media

Social media can be transformative for a business. We help design brands, galleries, auction houses and fairs to reach their social media goals. Our services range from holistic packages to one-off campaigns.

Posts & Interaction

Content creation, posting, interacting with followers and moderation – we have the nuts and bolts of social media management covered. Our editorial team and graphic designers work together to make your channel the best it can be

Audience & Advertising

We work with clients to identify their target audience – and then advise how best to reach this segment on the different platforms. This can include specially tailored content creation, influencer outreach and social advertising

Analytics & Strategy

We use analytics to evaluate the current performance of your channels – providing a foundation for setting measurable goals and creating a long-term strategy. All our social media services feature robust reports and regular check-ins

 Our social media services include:

Content creation

Moderation and interaction

Targeted campaigns

Channel-specific strategies

Detailed analytics and reporting

Social advertising

Influencer outreach